Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract for a Better Way of Life

Expert Author Sheila Rae D. Opulencia

What is Green Coffee?

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Green coffee is the result of brewing unroasted coffee beans or what is otherwise known as coffee fruit. As we all know, the bitterness of the coffee that we enjoy today is the product of brewing dark coffee beans. But before they become like this they needed to be roasted to perfection. In 1100AD, the method of roasting was not yet practiced so people brewed green coffee beans to produce a tea-like beverage. The product of brewing green coffee beans is still used to make some types of Arabic coffee today.

The Hype Behind Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract

Due to the attention that diet specialists and celebrity fitness trainers have given to pure green coffee bean extract supplements, a lot of people have been wondering if this may be the solution to most of their health problems. First of all, you need to know that natural supplements do not, in any way, claim to be the cure to various diseases. However, you cannot disregard the fact that people in the ancient times rarely suffered from diseases that can be found in a lot of individuals these days and the reason must be because they treated their ailments with natural remedies and not with synthetically formulated medications prescribed by physicians these days.

Disregarding the fact that coffee can be addictive because of its caffeine content, it can still deliver a lot of health benefits because of its antioxidant properties. However, the process of roasting breaks down most of the beneficial compounds that can be found in the beans and increase its caffeine content. For this reason, the best possible way to enjoy the benefits of coffee is by consuming the extracts of pure green coffee beans in small amounts.

A lot of pharmaceutical companies have realized this which is why they have tried to obtain the extracts of green coffee beans in its purest form and turn them in supplements in the form of pills or capsules. This is what you can buy in the market today for a minimal price compared to all the benefits that it can deliver. These supplements can be found in your local health stores and online.

How Can Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract Aid in Weight Loss?

One of the reasons supplements made from pure green coffee bean extracts have become so popular is because of their weight loss properties. Unroasted coffee beans contain high amounts of chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant that is known to increase metabolism and control the release of glucose found in the food that we eat. As a result, calories are burned faster and the risk of glucose accumulating, which can lead to high blood sugar levels, is eliminated.

Aside from increasing your metabolism, ingesting pure extracts from green coffee beans can provide you with the extra energy you need to be able to exercise. You see, the compound responsible for providing the body with energy is carbohydrate. The faster this is broken down and turned into fuel, you less chance of it turning into accumulated fat. This is why it is important that you complement your use of green coffee extract supplements with the right amount of exercise. However, keep in mind that you also need to balance the amount of exercise you will subject your body to in order to avoid complications from happening.

Other Benefits of Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract

Aside from its weight loss properties, extracts from green coffee beans can also help in improving the condition of people suffering from other diseases. Those suffering from diabetes for example, will notice a significant change in their blood sugar levels because the amount of glucose released into their blood will be lowered. Since the body's metabolism is increased, the risk of fats accumulating will be minimized thus eliminating risk of obesity.

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High cholesterol levels directly contributed to increased blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases but since most of the calories you ingest will be turned into energy, green coffee bean extract supplements can help prevent or improve your condition. However, the importance of adequate exercise cannot be stressed enough because all these excess energy need to burned so they don't turn into fat.

Lastly, green coffee bean extract can help fight off signs of premature aging because of high concentrations of antioxidants which are processed to free-radicals. Free-radicals are responsible for skin renewal and facilitating proper breakdown of essential vitamins and minerals. When essential vitamins and minerals aren't properly broken down in the body, they aren't absorbed and can cause more harm than good. The right amount of antioxidants in the body, these risks are eliminated.

Where and How to Buy Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract Supplements

Since green coffee bean extract supplements have become very popular, most health stores in the country already have them on their shelves. However, you can expect to encounter a lot of brands so choosing the right one can be get quite confusing. The first thing you should look at is the amount of chlorogenic acid that is contained in each capsule. The recommended amount is at least 45% so make sure to stay away from those that contain less than that amount.

Another thing that you should look at is the label. Make sure to study the list of other ingredients in the supplement that you are thinking of buying. The idea here is to keep things as natural as possible so don't get a brand that includes synthetic compounds in their list of ingredients. Also make sure that the bottle is labeled 100% natural so you are assured that none of the ingredients are synthetic compounds.

Last is the price. While you might have to shell out a certain amount of money to buy natural supplements, this price is nothing compared to the health benefits that you can enjoy. Think of it as an investment for your health as well as your future. However, paying more than $60 a bottle may be too much so the best thing you can do is to search online for websites that offer green coffee extract supplements at a better price. To take advantage of further discounts, it is recommended that you take advantage of promos. Most websites offer promos such as “Buy 2 and get one bottle free.” When you do the math, this is actually a steal because you can enjoy as much as $50 worth of savings.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sheila_Rae_D._Opulencia/1335090

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